I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that this little creature
has been in our lives for 6 months.
He couldn't be more of a perfect third child.
He gets stepped on, poked, loved on and probably ignored,
more than the other two and through it all, he still smiles his big ole smile.
(That I can't get enough of, really who could??)
Here are some highlights of Jett's first 6 months of life:
He can sit
He can army crawl/inch worm to an object a foot away
He has already has his first hair cut, mighty studly if I do say so
He eats some veggies and rice and oatmeal cereal
Laughs, smiles and rolls his lips
No teeth (this is more of a celebration for me)
He loves to watch Havyn and Krew play
He sleeps through the night and takes great naps
He patiently waits for me to feed him, whether it has been 2 or 5 hours since the last feeding.
Nicknames - Jettakiss (by Havyn), Jetterbugs (by mom), Jettermergretter (by dad), and Ett, (by Krew)