
Havyn gives me these cards after she gets put in
Time-Out for doing something wrong.
The other day she was sitting in Time-Out and yelled
"Mom, Time-Outs don't work for me anymore, I would rather do chores."
I'd love more help around the house,
but I think I will miss the cards. :(


My Boys

Jett at 3 months
Rolling over from front to back
Laughing out loud
Sleeping through the night
Smiling constantly
and he still has his eyes and belly button after Krew pokes at them all day. (hopefully his eyes are still working)
Like father like son - everyone I meet tells me Krew looks just like Jack. I guess he wants to be like his dad too, because he loves to put on his hat and shoes.
Krew has a fasination with belly buttons lately, he loves sticking his finger in his and everyone elses.


We had a fabulous Christmas this year!
Our family was spoiled by the whole family on both sides - Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Parents, Grandparents and Greats.
Thank you!

Pillow pets were a big hit.

I love this picture of Krew. He wasn't into the whole unwrapping of presents so he mostly chilled and let Havyn have all the fun.
He loves his soft blankie.

Havyn loves mythical creatures and so she received a unicorn and a her favorite book to go with it, A Dignity of Dragons.
From Santa all Havyn wanted was a puppet theater that was the color of the rainbow.

I'd say Santa did a great job and had help from many of his elves.