This year Havyn got to have two birthday parties! Lucky girl. The first one she had was with the Lacy cousins. It was a Dinosaur Themed Party.

The Dinosaur Cake

The Guests - Krew, Lachlan, Havyn, Liam and Grady
After everyone left, Havyn turned to me and said, now I want to model all my presents.
Look out America's Next Top Model, this girls got skills.

Those who know me well, know I did not teach Havyn these wicked moves. I blame it on her aunt Marci.
The second party she had was a princess party with an awesome crown cake (made by my super talented cousin Chelsea), a treasure hunt, dinner and necklace making.

I still can't beleive Havyn is four, how did the past four years go so fast? At four here are a few of Havyn's favorite things.
-Princesses, Dinosaurs, books (she loves to be read to and she has even started to read by herself, she knows her letters, vowels and all their sounds and it now putting them together.) She still wants to be a Doctor when she grows up and then she adds that she also wants to be a good mom, but her husband will just have to bring the kids to her doctors office when they are sick and she will take care of them. She loves to draw. When she has a coloring page in front of her she will add to the pictures by drawing a cloud, a bird or a necklace but she won't color the picture. She loves being a big sister and having the responsibility of getting to watch over Krew or teach him things. She loves to make Krew laugh and knows just how to do it. Havyn knows her way around the computer, probably more than she should. She loves to do crafts and make things. She loves to play outside chasing after soccer balls or passing the basketball to daddy so he can shoot it for a lay-up.
and i take the blame with pride!!