My attempt and Harry Potter decorating, from ivillage.com.
Check out my hot, hot, hot Valentines day toes and yes I have my dads man feet.
Thanks Kacey for the Pedi and Gramma for watching the kids.
Kids chillin on the 'ground' eating Hawaiian Pizza. Yumm
If I would have seen this on someone's blog five years ago I would have thought "Wow, these stay at home moms don't have anything better to do with their lives than celebrate measly holidays?" But I would tell my 23 year old self now that sometimes being a mom feels like groundhogs day. (the movie, not the actual day of popping out of a hole)
You get up at the same time to the same screaming children and you are wearing the same clothes you wore yesterday, you clean the same rooms, pick up the same toys, clean the same laundry, tell your kids the same things, (mind your p's and q's, don't wipe your snot on the wall, put your underwear on, don't pull your sisters hair, ect.) Feed them, bathe them and then go to bed exhausted, just to wake up the next day to......the same thing in repeat.
But, (see how big that but was) everyday you get the same hugs and kisses from the same smiling children, you get to see them learn something new, you get to imagine with them, slay dragons, fly like fairies, put on a cape and save the world, you get to laugh with them, make weird bodily sounds (and get laughed at, instead of someone thinking you are crude.) and you get to watch them grow emotionally, physically and spiritually. And those are the things that will never get old day in and day out.
So bring on groundhogs day to help remind me that I love being a Mom!
Even Jett is excited about Punx's prediction!